Find Some Way To Stay Armed

Posted below are excerpts from three Wesley Swift sermons dated from the Summer of 1966. The first has some odd stuff about the word ADAM and also mentions another "heavenly sign" -- an asteroid's fly-by of Earth which would occur in June of 1968. This asteroid passed much farther away than numerous others before or since, but at the time, some anticipated it as possibly catastrophic.

The very brief second excerpt is mainly of interest due to the tape transcriber's comments from around the mid-1970s. It also contains one of the shittier formulations of Holocaust Denial from Swift:
In the meantime they were bringing into these United States more and more of the dead Jews who were supposed to have died in W.W.II., until the cities filled up with them here in the United States. Were they strangely all resurrected and now walking around???

The last sermon is so full of things you have to read it to believe it. As always, all italics are my emphasis, and my explanatory interpolations and comments are in square parentheses.

WARNING: If you choose to read the following material, be advised that these are the "sermons" of Wesley A. Swift, the original leader of the racist extremist group known as Aryan Nations. The content is offensive and demented, especially as it is presented in the language of -- and represents a warped version of -- Christianity. It is rightly classified as hate speech.


We turn in our subject today to ‘The Pride of Race.’ We feel that there has been over the last 40 years a tremendous area of slippage in the area of the regard to race. Probably most of the problems that effect [affect] our nation today, and that is creating the critical conditions that effect our society, and the race war which is upon us would not exist if we had maintained the attitude toward race that our forefathers maintained. Or if we were to bring out from the pulpit and to the attention of the peoples of the land the relationship of our race and God. We might well say that those who have been working against the program of God, and the things that God has stated are proclaiming today that it makes no difference what race you are from, you are all the same under the skin.

We propose to show you that you are not all the same under the skin and that all of this is an area of deep fallacy. For instance, in the areas of the teaching of our youth today then they are told that there is no distinction between men and races, that they can participate in any area of inter-marrying and it is alright because all races are the same today. Then the areas of the church which did not believe in the Pentateuch or any of the things which were necessarily inspired of the Most High, now come out to try to use portions of the Pentateuch, and then they say that all men are created equal, all men came out of Adam, all men are of one blood, so all men can inter-marry.

.....Though there were races of people here on the earth, still there was none for [probably "before"-dwd] Adam. WE can prove that there were races here, thousands of years before Adam, but there was no Adam here until that time because...the word ‘Adam’ was the mark of the white man.
[one tenet of Swift's ideology is that the Earth was already populated with "mud people" -- non-whites -- prior to the white "race" coming into the world; so the story of Adam as the first man is actually the story of the first white man, created "in the image of God"-dwd]

To be specific about it...Adam is one who can ‘flush’ in the face, or in Hebrew it means ‘blood.’ Therefore blood in the face is Au-daum. And only the white man stands forth as Adam, and this marks the pattern of his race. You cannot tell if a Negro blushes, or an Asiatic because he does not show a blush of blood, only the white man does this so the Hebrew word for blood is ‘daum’, so the rising of the blood to the face is Au-daum, and thus God calls him Adam because he is of His Household, he is of His own begatting, for God begat him in His own image and it was the ‘Adam man’ that God was talking about when He turned to the Elohim, who are the Spirits of the Most High God, so He said to the Elohim in the Spiritual world.... ‘Let us make Adam in our own image.’ ....Therefore, in that sense the Elohim had the consciousness of the Most High God with the capacity and the ability to think and to know and to understand. Now therefore the Children of the Elohim, which are ‘gods’ plural, were placed in the body of Adam and then from Adam and even the propagation of a race starts which is above every race on the face of the earth.

......We discover in the Book of Matthew as well as in the Book of Luke that it tells us that in the last days there will be signs in the moon as well as in the sun and the stars. And also in the Book of Luke we are told that there will be distress upon earth, and that men’s hearts will be failing them for fear. Well, we are looking at this thing that is coming upon the face of the earth. There is no question about the pattern of events that are transpiring, man is always sort of disturbed, and he is very disturbed now as he sees ‘Acarus’ coming in. Actually this mass coming in is an asteroid and they have never figured out how big it is. Back in the days of Ancient Greece this came by and they never figured out at that time how big it was and they still don’t know today. They do know that it is bigger than a meteorite but they don’t know how big. Last time it passed about 5 million miles from earth. The Greeks said that it rocked and moved and they thought it would change it’s course when it came in last time. The closest swing to earth will be in June of 1968, and now the heaviest area of armament on the face of the earth is considering trying to destroy it with an atomic bomb. Now the experts of missiles and rocketry has been contacted by our government and they are working secretly on this project of trying to send a tremendous rocket into space to try to hit this tremendous object and blow it to bits in the heavens. They are afraid that this time it may be close enough to earth and that it could wipe out a continent or if it is the size that they think it might be then it could produce a terrible catastrophe....
[this refers to the Icarus asteroid's near-approach to earth; like the rare planetary conjunction of February 4, 1962, there was widespread anxiety concerning this. Knowing today how often such things occur, these apocalyptic worries seem kind of quaint-dwd]

The significance of this...getting back to the blood the signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars. The Prophet Joel speaks out on this matter, and where the Prophet spoke out on the latter days, and the end of the age that one of the things he says is... ‘that after this I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions.’

Now this is written about the House of Israel......

This is the most unique piece of Scripture, and we can understand that it is important because it marks the sign of the end of the age, and we already know about the fire and pillars of smoke because the atomic age is here. We also have a rather strange expression here because in the sky and moving through the stratosphere, this thing. [the Icarus asteroid-dwd] Then here in the declaration of the Scriptures it says that,...‘I will show wonders in the heavens and there will be blood in the sky’ which means...the Adam-man is going to be in space, and more than this when it talks about the sun and turned into darkness....well, the results of an eclipse brings this to pass. This is the only way to turn the sun into darkness and so as we come to the eclipses of the sun then they mark various events that have happened in the patterns of scriptures, and I am going to tell you that eclipses of the sun will mark very important events in our time....

.......We are going to have an eclipse of the sun and the moon both in 1968. This is going to be rather significant because it will be in July that we have this eclipse of the sun, and in October on the 6th., for the eclipse of the moon.

Now the President of the U.S. is talking of the advantage of having a man on the moon by 1968 and he is pressing for them to get off on their journey. To use all means to get a man on the moon in 1968. I’m going to tell you that I don’t believe they can get a man on the moon before October 6th., in 1968.

These are signs of the times and in the hour when we see the nuclear development on earth and in space it will be that the great and terrible Day of the Lord has come and we will see the development of many, many things. So when we talk about the Adamic race then we are talking of this..‘Au-daum’, the race of man who can flush in the face, and these signs of the moon turning to blood tells us that there will be Au-daum man on the moon and in space.

We had this age develop rather suddenly and people cannot quite understand this. And back in the translations of the Scripture, they tried to translate this the best they could so they said the moon would turn to blood, but it means....Au-daum - man of blood, on the moon.
[a sci-fi thriller -- White Men on the Moon!-dwd]

.....Well, the conquering race that can tread upon the high places of the earth, to bring down the power of darkness, and the forces of evil, and their wages of superstition, that the world has for so long collected, can devastate it all. This race can turn against Communism and the tyrannies of the world order, and this race which can tread upon the high places of the earth can produce the that..the falconry will truly ride, and you can be proud that you are of this race....

......There is no race that can come up to the household of the Most High God, for Israel had been placed in earth and above every race on the face of the earth....
[white folks, white folks, über alles, über alles in der Welt-dwd]

The white race proclaims the Gospel of Jesus The Christ. The white race lifts high its standards, it rolls it out with its teaching, it rolls it out with its hospitals, it rolls it out to the ends of the earth. Oh, you may have at this time a small minority and we do not know what peculiar pattern of short circuiting takes hold of them, and they may not stand up for Christ, but the majority does. These people are sick in their minds, they have a vacuum in their head, and they do not have the theological pattern of the Truth, which belongs to the majority of your race, so we aren’t talking about the exception to the rule, we are talking about your race.

...........The pride of race is one of the most important and one of the most vital concepts that the Word of God can stimulate, and if you read the Word of God and analyze it, everywhere it gives the superiority of your race, the pride of your race, and the pre-eminence of your race. It shows how you can understand His Word, how you can recognize His prophecy, how you can understand the fullness of God’s mind, and as you seek Him, and you learn of Him, and you apply the blessings which God has bestowed upon your race, the more your knowledge and understanding grows....


.........The National Council of Churches today tells us that Communism is working and we have to join the best of their system with the best of ours. We have to imagine and to work for a perfect system. This is the voice of the N.C.C. of today. This is the voice that has moved throughout its structure. It is the voice of the Kennedys and it is the voice of its leadership, and its pastors in both the Nation as well as the World Council of Churches. So as we listen to all these voices we began to see their design. They say now we are ready to divide the world into providences. ["provinces," presumably-dwd] They have a map for their World Order. On this map they show where the Negroes live in the South and they say this shall be a black sovereignty. Let’s remove these states from the south and make this a great black republic. Of course the whites laughed and said...oh no you don’t. So this enraged the Negroes because they were denied something. Now you see the Beast System of Political Philosophy at work as they work on the mentality of a people to stir areas of catastrophe and trouble.

To accomplish this they took men like Martin Luther King and trained him in Communist schools, and we have pictures of this for proof. (This picture turned up in the publication put out by Ned Touchstone and Ned was publishing his paper back in he and Swift knew each other.) [sic -- the tape transcriber's observation in parentheses-dwd]

So they took their Demi-gods [sic, "demagogues"] and their Negro’s to Moscow and trained them in their Communist Revolution. In the meantime they were bringing into these United States more and more of the dead Jews who were supposed to have died in W.W.II., until the cities filled up with them here in the United States. Were they strangely all resurrected and now walking around??? And all these who came in are now working with the Prophets of Baal, and they lead them out. We see these outlanders taking over the Kingdom of God. Their strategy increases and they are now setting up in this program they call...76, their goal which they are saying will all be completed in 1976. They say that by 1976 we will be ready to vote ourselves into a World Soviet Program.

(In the Spotlight it says this year of 1976 is the year when Congress has the votes for the Federal Atlantic Union and that will move into the World Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. How about that???) [sic -- transcriber's observations again; evidently the US Congress came to its senses and didn't put us in the Federal Atlantic Union as the next step in putting us in the World Union of Socialist Soviet Republics..........or did they?-dwd]


.........Now I want to point out the fallacy of this when they wanted to provide the push to put the Dodd Bill through. They gathered together all kinds of false material, and we discovered that an all out policy went ahead against patriots and against those active in Christian leadership and conservatives. They were called extremists. In fact when President Kennedy was killed then they announced that extremists had murdered the President, extremists on the Right Wing. He said they were guilty of that murder and the leader of that attack was none other than Chief Justice [Earl] Warren. In fact they were moving in and knocking on doors and even one of my employees was high up in the Sierra Mountains at a mine, and here they were up there, the next morning, in the snow, wanting to know where he was the day before, even though they already had captured Oswald.
[whose capture turned out to be sufficient after all (once he was safely dead); the reference to "one of my employees" being questioned "the next morning" would be to Saturday, Nov. 23-dwd]

I also want to point out to you that during a pattern of irresponsibility that Mosque (?) [sic -- tape transcriber's question mark; my guess would be possibly Edmund Muskie-dwd] started it and then this man [California Attorney General] Lynch carried it forward. But they wanted to build up a tremendous story about a great armed force trying to overthrow the government. For instance, the Christian Defense League, as you well know was formed to educate and prepare the American people with an understanding of the constant harassment supplied by the A.D.L. and other sinister forces against Americans. It was to advise them and defend them, it was to win a victory but it was never a military institution, and it never had anything to do with firearms. Individual members might have had arms, as they might have in any good institution, but firearms had nothing to do with its purpose.
[right, firearms are only a means to an end, as good citizens require a good arsenal to help educate people-dwd]

The California Rangers has been an organization of Civilian Defense under the Law’s of California that was organized as an area of civilian defense to aide in an area of disaster or an invasion. It was duly authorized and charted [chartered] as an organization out of your State Capital. This organization was just getting started when Civilian Defense totally folded up and all civilian defense activities were supposedly laid on the shelf. But the strange thing was that during this time when they were raising hysteria and trying to get a tremendous case going and of course the foolish Politician’s like Brown and Lynch, were all crying out and all the Left Wing Pinkos who owned and controlled T.V. stations, came out with the false testimony of a lying rascal whose name is Chester Warmen, and he said...Yes, he was a Secret Agent and he had invaded the Secret Headquarters of the Christian Defense League, and they were a military organization, and that they were a rising power that was going to crush all the Negroes and the Jews. Well....that was his picture of the C.D.L.
[and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so we must agree to disagree sometimes, and so on; interesting rationalization for the California Rangers though: evidently California's National Guard was deemed insufficient as a "militia" for the people of the state-dwd]

Then they came on the Radio under this program of the Apostles of Hate, and their hate broadcast said that the Christian Defense League was a prepared military group and had vast armies in training. They came on and said.....that a ranch which we owned up in Kern County had 5,000 men there being trained and armed, and they said we had 5,000 machine guns buried on that place. We never owned an illegal weapon in our life and we were not training anyone and no one was on the ranch....period. But this is the length they will go to make a false record, on the radio. Then the Attorney General helped along their cause, and they said we also had the California Rangers working with us. Well, we didn’t, but the Rangers were operating under their rights and under the Constitution. So this was another area of their falsehoods. They said that the Minute Men were tied in with the C.D.L., but here again was a falsehood, as the Minute Men were not tied in with any organization. I am not a Minute Man, but I am highly sympathetic with the reason why it was organized and the necessity for it so that a citizen could be prepared to defend this country from a Communist Revolution.
[could be another, different radio program, but sounds like the "Hotbed of Hatred" on KLAC radio whose transcript was in my previous post-dwd]

Although the Attorney General of California went to Washington D.C., to appear before a committee, he perjured himself before that committee. He said ..... there are ministers who are at the head of these Secret Organizations, and Secret Armies, and this includes the Christian Defense League. He also said ..... these organizations have a terrific Army, and the worst of the organizations is the Christian Defense League. Now, this is the folly of the people across the nation, for they can be fooled so easy. They think some terrible underground operations are being started and using this kind of a report is the way they were influencing Senators and Congressmen. We want these Senators and Congressmen to know that if they were influenced in any way by the testimony of Attorney General Lynch,...that his testimony was a perjured testimony, and they better look into it.
[that's right, by God-dwd]

Now; let me point out to you that Mr. [Robert] DePugh who organized the Minute Men has a well organized group but it was formed not to over throw the Government of the United States, but to defend it, in that kind of a Revolution that can start up...tomorrow morning.
[assuming that the Armed Forces of the United States of America prove not up to the task, of course-dwd]

The other night Mr. DePugh and his secretary were coming back from a meeting and suddenly Federal Officers stopped their car. They ordered DePugh out of the car saying they were charging him with possession of illegal weapons. We doubt whether he had any, but we believe he had guns that were deactivated, and they were being used for training. Anyway, they arrested DePugh for conspiracy to the Federal Arms Act, and then conspiracy to discuss or advocate the violation of the act. Then they wanted to search the car and Cindra Melville, DePugh’s secretary said....this is my car and if you don’t have a warrant then you aren’t going to search. Immediately a Federal Officer slugged her to the ground then 3 Federal Officer’s kicked her in the head until she bled out of both her ears. They also hurt her shoulder and then they hustled her off to a prison ward....for they said she attacked a F.B.I. Official. Later she was gotten out of prison on $5,000 bail and taken to a hospital. She has been in somewhat of a stupor every since she was kicked by those Federal Officers. This is the kind of odd-ball’s the degenerates are in areas of power, and they want to remove the Arm’s of America and leave you wide open to the kind of Communist Revolution that they are a part of.
[just goes round and round -- yeah, yeah, that's the ticket: we doubt he had any, but he may have had deactivated ones, and what he did have were only used for training ........ aaanyway-dwd]

Now; I want to point this out. There was a man this morning on the Radio and T.V. and he talks about indicting Troy Housing [certainly seems to be referring to Troy Haughton aka Houghton-dwd], who is one of the Minute Men from California, and then they talked about how they had also done the same to DePugh, and how the Grand Jury in Missouri was coming up with those hearings, and all the grand patterns to follow. They had indicted this man Houston for conspiracy against this Federal Firearms Law, in fact, they said he had discussed how to make a silencer. Well, this is the most foolish thing because you can buy a book after book on this subject. So they said that there is another one and they have not indicted him, and this one is Ray F. Houston, but then he disappeared. Then they brought out new information and moved with their indictments against the others using a sworn testimony of Ray Houston.

Well; Ray Houston showed up after they had payed a fine and gotten DePugh released on bond, and Houston came out to the house and they would have turned him away but he said..... Listen, I have been captive of the F.B.I., and then Houston told how they had kidnaped him and how they had tried to get him to perjure himself and sign affidavits. He couldn’t remember signing anything but they had kicked him and beat him and used dope on him, and he still said he couldn’t remember anything that he signed. But he said he would be willing to testify as to what was done to him. So, they call his Attorney and took his testimony and then they said that they wanted him to appear before the Grand Jury, and he said he would. They went to where the Grand Jury was meeting and in came 3 Federal Officers and they kidnaped Ray Houston at the point of a gun, and we hear that he is now in a Mental Hospital. I think it is high time that we find out what is going on, for this is the kind of an operation that you get out of a Russian Policeman.

It reminds us that some of this harassment that some of this congregation received last winter, was uncalled for. When they thought we were concealing a fugitive of whom we knew nothing, nor of his whereabouts. But in this hour of that operation there were officers and their men that came and pushed us in the dirt and held sawed-off shotguns to our backs. At that time we couldn’t believe it was America, but now we know and understand. For we are in the hands of a group of demogog’s, manipulated and used by Communist Agents, and if America is to remain free then it must remain armed, and it must let no one inject any restrictions on the use of Arm’s by American Citizens. I think it is high time that the harassment of the Minute Men Organization is stopped. The best way to lose your Freedom is stay silent....say nothing.
[apparently referring to the incident in documents posted in the Introduction, supplemental to Richard Girnt Butler's request for help for Kieth Gilbert-dwd]

You know; Jesus told you there would be times like this, and when He sent His disciples out like Lamb’s before Wolves, He said....sell your coat and buy a if they needed them for defense then,....let me tell you that you need them now. Crime in these United States increased 200% last year (1965).

Under these infamous patterns of Political Tyranny, they are doing all kinds of unconstitutional things. We point out to you that in the Book of Joel when the armies were to gather again and start moving in on you, then gather for Armageddon, then you better beat your plowshares back again into swords, and stand off this Northern Army. One of these days you are going to see them coming in by parachute, and submarines, and across your borders, and it is going to be the House of God that will turn them back....and the Hosts of the Most High are going to join you on that find some way to stay armed until that time.

The Plot to Disarm America is a Communist plot, so don’t ever forget that. We have a very serious distrust of all Federal Officers and they have a long way back to gain the honor of the people. They are fighting Americans as much or more than they are fighting criminals.

So we pray tonight that Yahweh will protect this great Nation of ours, and His Household who owns it.

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